Sunday, June 21, 2009

business irritations

I am in the life insurance business, and I find it funny how ignorant people are.  So many people have their priorities completed mixed up.  I mean, if someone doesn't buy life insurance, and they have a family, they are just selfish bastards.  They might as well tell their family that they do not love them.  Even if someone is wealthy, it never hurts to give more..
I just feel really bad for my clients who really want to help their families but are uninsurable because of some sort of disability or illness.

I would have to say one of the most irritating things about being in sales or in any profession, is someone who things they know more about your business than you do, even though they are not in your field.  For example, do you go to your plastic surgeon, and tell him/her that you don't agree with surgical process?  "Your using the wrong scalpal?"  NO....then why would you tell your life insurance agent that his products are not good?  Have you gone to training for financial products?  Do you have an insurance license?  

Sigh......human nature is confusing...people thrive off instant thrills, and what feels the best now....instead of long term.

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